
Farmer's Market - Pasqualino Tomato Sauce

Athletes and volunteers will be selling tomato sauce at the Milton Farmer's Market on:

Online Virtual Bottle Drive

Collect Your Empties: Gather all your returnable empty bottles and cans—every container counts but make sure they acceptable i.e. no pop cans or water bottles etc.

Drop-Off Location: Take your empties to your local Beer Store from October 18 – 20, 2024 and turn your empties into cash. 

Donate Online: After dropping off your containers, go to the website and make your donation. 

Interested in donating but don’t have any recycling?  That’s okay too - you can also donate on this page!

Chocolate Almonds

We had a successful sale of chocolate covered almonds in December 2023 and hope to be selling chocolate again in 2024!